
National SWAA Affiliated Organizations

Poor People’s Campaign

Support not Separation

National Welfare Rights Organization

Care Income Now

Social Work Activist Collective

Social Worker Equity Campaign

Journal of Progressive Human Services: Radical Thought and Praxis

2024 NSC Member Affiliations (local, state, national and international)

National Organization of Forensic Social Workers

Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed –

Ohio Animal Advocates – and NASW Ohio have a group for Human-Animal bond and social work

Eco-Social Work –

Congressional Research Institute for Research and Policy

NAMLE – National Association of Medial Literacy Educators

Move to Amend

Institute for Social Policy ISP

Council on Social Work Education

Baccalaureate Program Directors


National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

Foundation for Critical Thinking

WGRN Community Radio

Association of Community Organization and Social Action

National Jobs for All

Society for the Study of Social Problems

Social Welfare History Group

Social Worker Equity Campaign

Support not Separation/Give Us Back Our Children

La Puerta Abierta

Care Income

Family Members of the Disappeared Chile (AFDD)

Global Women’s Strike

Gerontological Society of America


Arizona Coalition on Aging (ACA)

Generations United

Black in Gerontology and Geriatrics


National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health

Amer Society on Aging

Association for Clinicians for the Underserved

Assoc of Latina/o SW Educators

Jewish Voices for Peace

Minnesota Social Services Association

National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work

Minnesota Poor People’s Campaign

Rochester Poor People’s Campaign

Metro Justice of Rochester

Rochester DSA

Ohio Poor People’s Campaign

Organize! Ohio

Northern Ohioans for Budget Legislation Equality

Northeast Ohio Unjust Child Removal Group

Ohio Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-OH)

Cleveland Utilities for All

Cleveland Jobs with Justice

End Poverty Now Coalition

National Welfare Rights Union

Maine Education Association, Local 26